Happy Spring! I hope you’re all enjoying the warmer weather, the blossoms and buds, more time outside breathing fresh air, and all the green things. This Green Pea Hummus from my friend Eva’s new cookbook, First We Eat, epitomizes Spring and I’m excited to be sharing the recipe with you today. I first met Eva four years ago in Portland. I had just started Tending the Table and was eager for advice and mentorship. Being the kind and generous person that she is, Eva agreed to meet with me, no questions asked. I remember being amazed by her openness and encouragement. She wasn’t worried about competition; she just wanted to share her passion for food and photography with the world. Over the years Eva and I have become friends, bonding over our shared love of dogs, cooking from scratch, backyard chickens, homesteading and nature. Eva is bubbly, bright, strong and unstoppable. She’s an incredibly talented photographer and a thoughtful cook and her new book is exceptional. Organized by season, First We Eat, is packed with stunning photographs (seriously, jaw-droppingly, stunning), delicious recipes,  sustainable sourcing guides and gardening tips. Be sure to check it out and continue reading for some link love and the recipe for Eva’s Green Pea Hummus…


  1. This article traces the history  of American agricultural philosophy and policy and asks the question: how will we feed the planet’s growing population?
  2. This article makes a compelling case against an economy (and a life) of convenience. “Being a person is only partly about having and exercising choices. It is also about how we face up to situations that are thrust upon us, about overcoming worthy challenges and finishing difficult tasks — the struggles that help make us who we are.”
  3. Spring flowers at their finest.
  4. The best meal I’ve had in a long time.
  5. I’m loving this book which argues that most of the time, food sensitivities, skin issues, and allergies are the result of weak digestion and that our tendency to eliminate trigger foods isn’t a long term solution. The book discusses common misconceptions about wheat and dairy consumption and outlines how to improve lymph flow, bile production, and digestion to heal the gut.
  6. Why plastic sucks.
  7. I’m drooling over these peanut butter chai cookies  and cacao hemp crispy treats.

That’s all for now. XO

*Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and tag photos of my recipes #tendingthetable.

Green Pea Hummus 

Slightly adapted from First We Eat by Eva Kosmas Flores

Makes 1 3/4 cups


1 cup shelled fresh peas or blanched frozen peas

1 1/4 cups coarsely chopped fresh cilantro

1 cup garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed

2 tablespoons tahini

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, plus extra to garnish

3/4 teaspoon flake kosher sea salt

1/4 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper

Toasted sunflower seeds, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, and mustard seeds to garnish


Combine the peas, cilantro, garbanzo beans, tahini, lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper in a high speed blender and puree until completely smooth.

Transfer to a shallow bowl and garnish with a drizzle of olive oil and the toasted seeds.

Serve with roasted sweet potato wedges or toasted bread.