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Braised Purple Cabbage

Hello friends! Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve been busy with some non-food related projects that I wanted to share with you. As much as I live, breathe, and love all things food, my meals have been very simple as other things have been taking priority lately. While I’m looking for ways to get involved in some food justice opportunities and exploring how to have a greater influence in the food sustainability world, I’ve also been consumed by a desire to stand up for civil liberties, the environment, compassionate human to human interaction, and my values. I hope you’ll forgive me for bringing some of that into this space. Here’s what I’ve been up to:

  1. I’ve been getting pretty politically engaged since the election and am now organizing with a local group to dialogue with our local law enforcement about how to make our city a model for civil liberties and justice. I hosted a house party through the ACLU’s new People Power program and am now working on setting up meetings and facilitating dialogue. It’s exciting to feel like I’m taking action in a meaningful way and I’m excited to see what we can do. You can join the People Power movement in your area here.
  2. Another way I’ve been getting politically engaged recently is through Swing Left, an organization developed to get people involved in swing district congressional elections in 2018. I’m looking forward to organizing events, phone banking and canvassing  for progressive candidates and to having conversations with people about their beliefs and values.
  3. I just signed up for this great opportunity through my local NPR station to dialogue with others in my community I don’t often interact with. They’re hosting conversations aimed at reducing the harmful polarization in our society.
  4. After becoming aware of some hate crimes in my area, I started a Hate Has No Home Here campaign to fill my neighborhood with yard signs denouncing hate. We’ve raised over $1,000 to print 200 yard signs. I’m excited to encourage tolerance and send a strong message about our values as a community. You can start a campaign in your area too.
  5. I’ve also been working on lining up some super fun sponsored work with some really great, sustainable and innovative companies. I can’t wait to share them with you.
  6. In April, a bunch of other bloggers and I  will be promoting our national parks, forests and wilderness areas to raise awareness about the value of public lands. Stay tuned!

This recipe is a go to weeknight dinner in our house. It’s adapted from a recipe in Chez Panisse Vegetables, but I haven’t used the recipe in years. It’s easy, requires minimal ingredients and is very forgiving. You basically just  cut up a cabbage and throw it in a pan with butter and broth and cook it, covered, until tender. The cabbage gets luxuriously creamy and sweet. We often have it with some brown rice and a salad or veggie soup. Enjoy!

Braised Purple Cabbage

Serves 2-4


1/2 purple cabbage, cut into 1-2 inch wedges

4 tablespoons butter

3 cups vegetable broth

salt and pepper to taste


Preheat the oven to 425° F. Arrange the cabbage wedges in a skillet or baking dish. Cut the butter into pieces and evenly distribute over the cabbage. Pour the broth over the cabbage, cover, and cook in the oven for 50-60 minutes, until completely tender. Season with salt and pepper to taste.



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